All of the content available through this community is for educational purposes only. This is not financial advice and Cosmic Crypto Club is not liable for the outcomes of your investments or trades. Make sure you understand the risks involved in trading and investing by consulting a professional financial adviser, accountant or tax professional, and/or lawyer. Cosmic Crypto Club does not claim to be professionally certified or licensed to give financial advice, and participation in this discord does not constitute entering into any type of fiduciary agreement with Cosmic Crypto Club
The risk of trading in securities markets, particularly with cryptocurrency, can be substantial.
Individual results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are by real people, may not reflect the typical experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
Cosmic Crypto Club or any representatives will NEVER manage or offer to manage a customer or individual’s binary options, options, stocks, cryptocurrencies, currencies, futures, forex, or any financial markets or securities account. If someone claiming to represent or be associated with Cosmic Crypto Club solicits you for money or offers to manage your trading account, do not provide any personal information and contact us immediately by creating a ticket in the Discord community under the 🆘|help channel
Friendly reminder that trading is a solo sport, embrace accountability for both your successes and failures